Dear Friend,

Welcome to our Bridging the Gap Islington Newsletter – explaining how we help people through effective mentoring.


Our volunteers can support people in 15 languages
Bridging the Gap Islington is hugely grateful to the more than 30 volunteers who are mentors. Our volunteers have a wide range of skills and expertise from their personal, professional, educational and volunteering experience. Volunteers undergo training and are supported by experienced professional supervisors so they can effectively help mentees to achieve the goals they are working towards.

An additional skill our volunteers bring to Bridging the Gap, is the variety of languages they speak. This allows us to offer mentoring partnerships to mentees who may not have English as a first language. The languages available depend on the volunteers who are available at any particular time. We may be able to support partnerships in:

English, Arabic, German, Spanish, French, Farsi, Portuguese, Chinese, Malay, Romanian, Italian, Malayalam, Tami, Danish, Albanian.

Please email us to discuss further.

Last month, we shared a survey with you about changing our name.  We would like a name that tells people more about what we do and shows that we help people across a wider area, not just Islington.

Which name do you think would be best?
Bridging the Gap London
Bridging the Gap Mentoring
North London Mentoring

Please take just a minute to complete this survey or email us your thoughts.

Supporting people through the roadmap out of lockdown. 

Bridging the Gap Islington offers trained, expertly supervised volunteer mentors for people at risk of homelessness, offending and addiction. Regular informal support from someone who is concerned about them individually helps people to rebuild their lives.

At the the moment we are supporting virtual partnerships and are meeting face to face as government guidance allows.

To find out more or make a referral:

Visit our website:
Freephone number: 0800 488 0746
Email us: [email protected]
When you contact us, we will ask for some further details whilst arranging a volunteer match.  We aim to start the partnership in 2-4 weeks.

We look forward to working with you.

Best wishes, Sam
Bridging the Gap Islington

Bridging the Gap Islington offers trained, expertly supervised volunteer mentors for people at risk of homelessness, offending and addiction. Regular support from someone who is concerned about them individually can help people to rebuild their lives.

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Copyright © 2021. Bridging the Gap Islington. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
[email protected]

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