January 2024
Happy New Year
Here are some comments our service users made about us…
Please let us know if you are working with someone who might benefit from mentoring.
We welcome people in North London who would like to change their lives and are at risk of homelessness or have experience of the criminal justice system or substance misuse.
If you think you know someone who would benefit from mentoring contact Robin on [email protected] or ring 079564 40309 to discuss.
We are very grateful for the continuing interest and support of our volunteer mentors.
More information and advice for mentors is on our website here https://bridging-mentoring.org.uk/advice-for-mentors/
Donations, of course, are always welcome, please donate here https://bridging-mentoring.org.uk/donate/
To find out more or make a referral:
Visit our website: www.bridging-mentoring.org.uk
Freephone number: 0800 488 0746
Email us: welcome@bridging-mentoring.org.uk
When you contact us, we will ask for some further details whilst arranging a volunteer match.
We aim to start the partnership in 2-4 weeks.